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MDEC PRISMA : Pakej Rangsangan Industri Kreatif Malaysia

PRISMA adalah antara inisiatif penting jangka pendek KKMM bagi membantu kelangsungan dan kelestarian penggiat dan pemain industri kreatif di Malaysia sejajar dengan pembudayaan norma baharu berikutan pandemik COVID-19 dan pematuhan kepada Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan yang berkuat kuasa.

PRISMA is one of KKMM’s important short-term initiatives to help the survival and sustainability of creative industry players and developers in Malaysia in line with the culture of the new norms following the COVID-19 pandemic and compliance with the Movement Control Order enforced.

ASTATICA collaborated with MDEC to come up with a super hero story, designed and animated the characters in a form of a super hero story to deliver the message for this Malaysian Government initiative.

Produced by ASTATICA

#animation #3d #kkmm #prisma #astatica #theAteam #creative #industry #superhero #covid #covid19 #mco #lockdown #pkp #malaysia #malaysian #mdec

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