PRISMA adalah antara inisiatif penting jangka pendek KKMM bagi membantu kelangsungan dan kelestarian penggiat dan pemain industri kreatif di Malaysia sejajar dengan pembudayaan norma baharu berikutan pandemik COVID-19 dan pematuhan kepada Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan yang berkuat kuasa.
PRISMA is one of KKMM’s important short-term initiatives to help the survival and sustainability of creative industry players and developers in Malaysia in line with the culture of the new norms following the COVID-19 pandemic and compliance with the Movement Control Order enforced.
ASTATICA collaborated with MDEC to come up with a super hero story, designed and animated the characters in a form of a super hero story to deliver the message for this Malaysian Government initiative.
Produced by ASTATICA
#animation #3d #kkmm #prisma #astatica #theAteam #creative #industry #superhero #covid #covid19 #mco #lockdown #pkp #malaysia #malaysian #mdec