How many of you remember this childhood game of flipping erasers? We had the opportunity to walk down memory lane and produce this animated short alongside Reservoir World for Petronas to celebrate the true meaning of the Malaysian Independence Day!
Director : Ismail Kamarul
Producer : Sabrina Wong
Animation by ASTATICA
Jangan mengalah sebelum melangkah, tepuklah dada tanya selera. Macam mana sama-sama nak selamatkan diri dari bahaya? Redah sebelum parah! Redah tonton aksi penuh debaran ini sekarang! Selamat Hari Kebangsaan dan Hari Malaysia daripada PETRONAS.
#PETRONASMMD2020 #OperasiKoperasi #StoriesOfJoy #ASTATICA #TheATeam #3D #Animation